Volume 1, Title 1 - ofumi no tamashii, Part 1

Page Line Original Text Phonetic Romanized Description
7 1 お文 ふみ ofumi a woman's name
7 1 たましい tamashii ghost, spirit
7 4 不入の間 いらずのま irazunoma a forbidden room? いらず means taboo or dangerous, although it isn't usually written the way it is here.
7 4 嫉み ねた netami jealously, envy
7 4 生き霊 いきりょう ikiryō an apparition of a living person leaving a grudge against one
7 4 執念 しゅうねん shūnen tenacity of purpose, vindictiveness, spite
7 4 死霊 しりょう shiryō a departed soul; a ghost; the spirit of a dead person
7 4 たぐい たぐい tagui a kind, a sort, a type
7 4 陰惨な いんさんな insan na horrible; horrific; grisly; gruesome; gloomy
7 5 幽怪な ゆうかいな yūkai na (not certain of pronounciation or meaning)
7 5 妖怪 ようかい yōkai a ghost; an apparition
7 5 信すべき しんずべき shinzubeki reliable, trustworthy, authoritative
7 6 感化 かんか kanka influence (on somebody), inspiration
7 6 一切 いっさい issai all, everything
7 6 否認 ひにん hinin denial, disavowal, negation
7 7 取り留めの無い とりとめのない toritomenonai wandering, rambling, incoherent, wild
8 1 主張 しゅちょう shuchō insistence, (an) assertion
8 2 如何にも いかにも ikanimo indeed, really, absolutely
8 3 洩らす らす morasu [verb] to let leak, to give exit (to steam)
8 3 併し しか shikashi however, but; this is usually written just in kana these days
8 3 かげ kage shade; backing
8 10 叱る しかる shikaru scold, reprove. Note that two very similar characters can be used here--I believe that the one shown here is the one used in the book.
8 12 詮索 せんさく sensaku search, inquiry, exploration
8 12 どしどし どしどし doshidoshi willingly; constantly, one after another
8 16 可也 かなり kanari considerably, fairly, quite
8 16 新富座 しんとみざ shintomiza a kabuki playhouse
9 5 形見 かたみ katami memento, souvenir
9 5 武家 ぶけ buke samurai, warrior
9 6 ゆうぐれ ゆうぐれ yūgure evening, (evening) twilight. Commonly written as 夕暮れ.
9 6 わびしい わびしい wabishii lonely, cheerless. Commonly written as 侘しい.
9 7 家老 かろう karō chief retainer, daimyo's minister
9 8 用人 ようにん yōnin a steward, a manager, a factotum
9 11 他愛もない話 たあいもないはなし taaimonai hanashi idle talk, talking about nothing special
9 12 八手 やつで yatsude Japanese fatsia [aralia]
10 4 臆病 おくびょう okubyō cowardice, timidity
10 5 怖い物見たさ こわいものみたさ kowaimonomitasa the attraction of the fearful
10 7 眼をかがやかす めをかがやかす me o kagayakasu with bright eyes. Today this is likely to be written 目を輝かす.
10 8 肩を聳やかす かたをそびやかす kata o sobiyakasu raise (draw up) one’s shoulders
10 9 しいて しいて shiite by force, forcibly. Can be written 強いて?
10 12 そんなら そんなら sonnara then, in that case, if that is so. Same as それなら.
11 1 彦太郎 ひこたろう hikotarō a man's personal name
11 2 羽振り はぶり haburi influence, power
11 4 縁付く えんづく enzuku get married
11 7 飛んだ とんだ tonda surprising, outrageous, terrible
11 7 仔細 しさい shisai reasons, circumstances; significance; particulars
11 9 他家 たけ take another family
11 10 むやみに むやみに muyami ni thoughtlessly, recklessly, imprudently
11 12 得心 とくしん tokushin consent, compliance
11 12 掛け合い かけあい kakeai negotiations, bargaining
11 15 女房 にょうぼう nyōbō a wife, a court lady
11 16 堪忍 かんにん kannin patience, forbearance
11 16 焦れる れる jireru be irritated
12 1 先方 せんぽう senpō the other (party, side); they
12 2 足掛…年 あしかけ…ねん ashikake…nen “going on … years”
12 3 舅小姑 しうとこじうと shiuto kojiuto in-laws? This seems to be "father-in-law sister-in-law" and so maybe just meaning in-laws in general? But the furigana given in the books seems sort of messed up. My dictionary gives 舅 (しゅうと - shūto) as father-in-law and 小姑 (こじゅうと - kojūto) as sister-in-law. And brother-in-law is written 小舅 (こじゅうと - kojūto).
12 5 諭す さとす satosu admonish, counsel
12 5 手応え てごた tegotae response, feedback?
12 5 よもや よもや yomoya surely ((not)), ((not)) possibly. For example, 「よもやうそではあるまい。」means "Surely it cannot be false."
12 5 ためし tameshi an instance; an example
12 7 道楽者 どうらくしゃ dōrakusha a playboy, a man about town
12 7 身空 みそら misora the body, one’s fortune
12 7 もしや もしや moshiya by any chance, perchance
12 7 心得違い こころえちがい kokoroechigai a mistake, a misunderstanding
12 7 仕出来す しでかす shidekasu finish up (or completely mess up?)
12 9 詮議 せんぎ sengi discussion, deliberation
12 9 厳重な げんじゅうな genjū na firm, strong, secure; strict
12 13 権幕 けんまく kenmaku a menacing look (attitude). Written 剣幕 these days.
12 13 途方に暮れる とほうにくれる tohōnikureru be puzzled ((what to do)); be stumped; be at a loss
13 2 奉公 ほうこう hōkō public service, apprenticeship
13 2 行儀 ぎょうぎ gyōgi behavior, manners, deportment
13 4 挙動 きょどう kyodō behavior, actions, conduct; demeanor, deportment
13 4 其処 そこ soko that place, there
13 5 譬えようもない たとえようもない tatoeyōmonai incomparable ((beauty))
13 5 よぎ yogi bedding, bedclothes. Furigana is given for this character but my dictionary says ふすま is the pronounciation. Same as やぐ?
13 6 醒める さめる sameru awake, sober up, be disillusioned
13 7 添い寝 そいね soine sleeping with one’s child
13 12 幽霊 ゆうれい yūrei ghost, apparition, spirit
13 15 打ち明ける うちあける uchiakeru confide ((in somebody)), lay bare ((one’s feelings))
14 2 取り合う とりあう toriau pay attention to …, have to do with …
14 4 あるまじき あるまじき arumajiki unbecoming, unworthy of…, unsuitable
14 6 冷淡な れいたんな reitan na cool, halfhearted, indifferent
14 7 得体の知れない えたいのしれない etainoshirenai strange(-looking), unfamiliar, mysterious, suspicious(-looking)
14 7 得体 えたい etai nature, character
14 8 一刻も早く いっときもはやく ittokimohayaku immediately
14 10 察し さっし sasshi conjecture, judgement
14 13 戦く おののく ononoku shudder, quake, quiver, shiver
14 13 おどおどする おどおどする odoodosuru be timid, tremble with fear
14 13 目の色 めのいろ menoiro the expression of one’s eyes; the color of one’s eyes
15 1 頭から あたまから atamakara from the start, flatly, completely
15 2 一概に いちがいに ichigai ni unconditionally
15 2 追い遣る おいやる oiyaru drive away; get rid of, pack off
15 4 込み入った こみいった komiitta complicated, complex
15 4 込み入った事情 こみいったじじょう komiittajijō a complicated situation; a wheel within a wheel; wheels within wheels
15 6 料簡 りょうけん ryōken an idea, a thought, a motive, disposition