Volume 1, Title 1 - ofumi no tamashii, Part 2

Page Line Original Text Phonetic Romanized Description
15 13 真顔になる まがおになる magaoninaru look serious, assume a serious look
15 13 講釈 こうしゃく kōshaku lecture, story telling
15 13 好い年 いいとし iitoshi good mature age
15 15 工夫を凝らす くふうをこらす kufū o korasu tax one’s ingenuity ((in doing…)), elaborate ((a method for extracting gold))
16 2 居合わせる いあわせる iawaseru happen to be present
16 2 時候 じこう jikō season, time of year; climate
16 11 機に しお shio ni it looks like 機 (ki) is used to mean opportunity here, which makes sense, but I can't find this pronounciation anywhere in my references
16 13 顔をしかめる かおをしかめる kao o shikameru grimace ((at…)), make a (wry) face
17 5 幼少 ようしょう yōshō infancy, childhood
17 5 かつて かつて katsute once
17 10 問いただす といただす toitadasu ask ((somebody about something)), inquire, grill (問い質す)
17 13 左様な さような sayō na such, like that; indeed
17 14 聞き及ぶ ききおよぶ kikioyobu learn about through hearing, be informed of
18 1 不得要領に ふとくようりょうに futokuyōryō ni vaguely, evasively, ambiguously
18 2 浚う さら sarau clean, dredge, drag
18 2 枕辺 まくらべ makurabe bedside
18 5 明くる日 あくるひ akuruhi the next day
18 5 人足 にんそく ninsoku coolie, laborer
18 5 搔掘 かいぼり kaibori draining (a pond), a well cleaning
18 5 立ち会う たちあう taraau attend, be present at, witness
18 6 監視 かんし kanshi guarding, observation, supervision
18 6 ふな funa carp
18 6 こい koi carp
18 6 獲物 えもの emono game, catch, spoils, booty
18 7 くし kushi comb
18 7 かんざし かんざし kanzashi an ornamental hairpin
18 8 発議 はつぎ hatsugi a proposal, a suggestion
18 9 泥鰌 どじょう dojō a loach
18 9 骨折り損 ほねおりぞん honeorizon lost (fruitless) labor, a waste of effort, a vain effort
18 10 つる tsuru vine, tendril, connections
18 12 寝かす ねかす nekasu put to sleep, send to bed
18 16 けたたましい けたたましい ketatamashii noisy, loud, clamorous, shrill
18 16 悲鳴 ひめい himei scream, shriek
19 3 押っ取り刀で おしっとりがたなで oshittori gatana de sword in hand, in great haste, hurry-scurry
19 3 やにわに やにわに yaniwa ni suddenly, abruptly, without warning. Also written 矢庭に.
19 4 なまあたたかい なまあたたかい nama atatakai lukewarm, tepid; disagreeably warm. Also written 生暖かい.
19 4 行燈 あんどん andon a paper-covered lamp stand, paper-enclosed oil lamp. Also written 行灯 with a more "modern" character.
19 5 気配 けはい kenai a sign, an indication, a hint
19 6 犇と ひし hishi to firmly, tightly
19 7 闖入者 ちんにゅうしゃ chinnyūsha an intruder, a trespasser
19 8 すかす すかす sukasu coax, humor, cajole. Also written 賺す.
19 12 薄気味悪い うすきみわるい usukimiwarui weird, uncanny, eerie, unearthly, ominous
19 13 市ヶ谷 いちがや ichigaiya [a place name]
19 13 売卜者 うらないしゃ uranaisha diviner, fortune teller. My dictionary ways this should be pronounced ばいぼくしゃ.
19 14 椿 つばき tsubaki camellia
19 15 いたずらに いたずらに itasura ni in vain, uselessly. Also written 徒らに.
20 2 甚だ はなは hanahada very, greatly, awfully
20 4 覚束ない おぼつかない obotsukanai uncertain, doubtful, nearly hopeless
20 5 外聞 がいぶん gaibun reputation, honor, respectability
20 6 怪しからぬ けしからぬ keshikaranu rude, impertinent, disgraceful, scandalous [same as 怪しからん]
20 10 頗る すこぶる sukoburu extremely, unusually
20 14 平生 へいぜい heizei ordinarily, normally
20 15 真相 しんそう shinsō the truth, the facts
21 2 新規の しんきの shinkino new, fresh
21 2 御召し出し おめしだし omeshidashi a call, a summons. Since 御召し (おめし) means a call, a summons, and 召し出す (めしだす) means to summon or to call, I surmise the reading and meaning for the phrase here.
21 2 特典 とくてん tokuten special favor, privilege
21 2 養子 やしないご yashinaigo foster child [or 養い子?]; also, 養子 means an adopted child (son)
21 5 悲惨 ひさん hisan misery, wretchedness
21 7 余儀ない よぎない yoginai unavoidable, inevitable
21 7 放縦 ほうじゅう hōjū self-indulgence, license
21 7 懶惰 らんだ randa indolence, laziness
21 7 …たらしめる …たらしめる ...tarashimeru make, cause to be, ...ize
21 8 道楽 どうらく dōraku a hobby, a pastime
21 8 事あれかしと待っている ことあれかしとまっている kotoarekashi to matteiru She is waiting eagerly for something untoward to happen to her adversary.
21 9 やから yakara a family, a clan, a group, fellows. I can't find this reading for this character anywhere in my references, but this character can mean this and so can this reading, but written with different characters.
21 10 屈竟の くっきょう kukkyō no excellent? Same as 究竟な meaning excellent, the best? Or maybe 屈強な meaning strong, powerful? Both are pronounced as indicated by the furigana in the book. From the context, and the translation, I think the former is the most likely meaning.
21 11 物物しい ものものしい monomonoshii showy, pompous, pretentious
21 11 宿直 とのい tonoi night duty, night watch
21 12 仕る つかまつる tsukamatsuru serve, do (polite)
21 12 素姓 すじょう sujō birth, lineage; identity; also written 素性
21 15 心当たり こころあたり kokoro atari knowledge, idea, clue; guess
22 3 知行所 ちぎょうじょ chigyōjo ?; 知行 means a fief, a fee, a (rice) stipend, an estate ((of a daimyō))
22 4 請宿 うけやど ukeyado servant’s registry
22 4 随意 ずいい zuii voluntary, optional
22 4 音羽 おとわ otowa a place name, an area in Tokyo
22 4 堺屋 さかいや sakaiya apparently a shop name, probably named after 堺 (sakai), an area of Osaka; the translation doesn't appear to contain this name for some reason.
22 4 代々 だいだい・よよ daidai / yoyo for generations, hereditary
22 7 後廻しにする あとまわしにする atomawashi ni suru let ((a matter)) wait; defer, postpone
22 7 手近かの てぢかの tejika no close by; handy; familiar
22 8 先代 せんだい sendai family predecessor; previous age; previous generation
22 10 くれぐれも くれぐれも kureguremo repeatedly; over and over
22 10 隠密 おんみつ・いんみつ onmitsu / inmitsu privacy, secrecy