Volume 1, Title 1 - ofumi no tamashii, Part 3

Page Line Original Text Phonetic Romanized Description
23 1 ことごとく ことごとく kotogotoku all, one and all. Also written 悉く.
23 4 溯る さかのぼる sakanoboru go upstream; go back ((to the past))
23 7 強情に ごうじょう gōjō ni obstinately, stubbornly
23 9 あらん限り あらんかぎり arankagiri one and all, to the utmost. Also written 有らん限り.
23 9 行き止まり ゆきどまり yukidomari the dead end ((of a road)), blind alley
23 10 突きあたり つきあたり tsukiatari the end ((of a street)). Also written 突き当たり.
23 13 横綴じ よこと yokotoji oblong binding
24 1 目がくらむ めがくらむ megakuramu feel dizzy, one’s head swims. Also written 目が眩む.
24 3 面白ずくで おもしろずくで omoshirozukude for the fun of it
24 3 飛んだ事 とんだこと tonda koto an awful mess? The term 飛んだ (とんだ - tonda) means surprising, outrageous. And the phrase 飛んだことになった (とんだことになった - tondakotoninatta) means "what an auful mess it's become!"
24 3 後悔 こうかい kōkai a regret, remorse
24 3 兆す きざ kizasu presage, augur
24 5 若旦那 わかだんな wakadanna young master, young gentleman
24 6 痩せぎすの せぎすの yasegisu no thin, thinnish, slender
24 7 生地 きじ kiji inherent quality; one’s true colors
24 7 堅気 かたぎ katagi seriousness, staidness, respectability
24 8 何ぞ なんぞ nanzo anything, something
24 8 表情に富んだ ひょうじょうにとんだ hyōjōnitonda expressive, full of expression
24 9 岡っ引 おかっぴき okappiki detective, plain-clothes man
24 9 明神下 みょうじんした myōjinshita ?; 明神 means a gracious deity or god
24 10 懇意 こんい koni kindness
24 12 幅利き はばきき habakiki a person of influence
24 12 稼業 かぎょう kagyō trade, business, work, occupation
24 13 淡泊した あっさりした assarishita simple, plain, frank, open hearted. Also written 淡泊(たんぱく)な.
24 13 笠に着る かさにきる kasanikiru wear a cap of authority and abuse that authority
25 1 不図 ふと futo suddenly, casually
25 2 差支え さしつかえ sashitsukae a hindrance, an impediment
25 2 いっそ いっそ isso rather, preferably
25 2 打明ける うちあける uchiakeru reveal, confide in
25 3 知恵 ちえ chie wisdom, sense, sagacity, intelligence, resourcefulness; same as 智恵
25 6 ともかくも ともかくも tomokakumo anyway
25 6 ちょいと ちょいと choito slightly, just; just a minute
25 7 好いかい いいかい iikai Watch out! Ready?
25 8 葛籠 つづら tsuzura a clothes box, a wicker basket; a trunk
25 11 正体 しょうたい shōtai a natural shape; one’s true character, one’s identity
25 11 突き止める つきとめる tsukitomeru explain, determine, elucidate, locate, pin down
25 11 身許 みもと mimoto one’s identity, one’s birth, one’s status; same as 身元
25 12 法事 ほうじ hōji (Buddhist) memorial service
25 12 供養 くよう kuyō memorial service
25 13 かしげる かしげる kashigeru tilt, lean, tip ((a barrel, a cart)). Also written 傾げる.
26 5 草双紙 くさぞうし kusazōshi an illustrated storybook (in the Edo period); a picture book
26 5 だしぬけに だしぬけに dashinuke ni suddenly, abruptly, out of the blue. Also written 出し抜けに.
26 7 じき じき jiki soon, almost. I assume this can also mean "close" in space and that that is the meaning here.
27 1 埒をあける らちをあける rachi o akeru settle ((a matter)), bring ((a matter)) to a settlement. The character 埒 itself means pale, picket or picket fence.
27 1 お目にかける おめにかける omenikakeru show; submit something for someone’s inspection
27 4 探索 たんさく tansaku search, inquiry, investigation
27 6 じきに じきに jiki ni immediately, directly, at once; also written 直に
27 9 発句 ほっく hokku haiku; same as 俳句?
27 9 運座 うんざ unza a meeting of haiku poets, a haiku making contest
27 14 記す しるす shirusu write down, make a note of
28 3 草紙 そうし sōshi copybook, storybook
28 7 繰り拡げる くりひろげる kurihirogeru roll out, unfold, spread out [open]. Written 繰り広げる in my dictionary.
28 8 挿絵 さしえ sashie illustration (in a book)
28 8 奥方 おくがた okugata lady, nobleman’s wife
28 8 縁先 えんさき ensaki edge of the veranda
28 8 腰元 こしもと koshimoto woman working for a noble family; the hips
28 9 しょんぼりと しょんぼりと shonbori to dejectedly, crestfallen
28 9 俯向く うつむ utsumuku look downward; stoop
28 9 正しく まさしく masashiku just, precisely; certainly, no doubt
28 9 庭先で にわさきで niwasaki de in the part of the garden close to the veranda
28 10 杜若 かきつばた kakitsubata a rabbit-ear iris
28 11 むごたらしい むごたらしい mugotarashii cruel, atrocious, horrible, tragic. Also written 惨たらしい.
28 11 ぎょっとする ぎょっとする gyottosuru start, have a fright. This is written with those "accent marks" on the first three characters (kana), which I don't know how to include here.
28 15 外題 げだい gedai a title ((of a play)), a name
28 16 意味ありげに いみありげに imiarige ni knowingly, with a significant look on one’s face
29 9 暮春 ぼしゅん boshun late spring
29 11 火の見櫓 ひのみやぐら hinomiyagura a fire lookout, a watch tower
29 11 とんび tonbi black kite, fireman, cloak
29 12 陣笠 じんがさ jingasa (ancient) warrior’s helmet; rank and file (of a party)
29 12 ひさし ひさし hisashi eaves, a vizor, a visor, a peak. Also written 庇.
29 14 菩提所 ぼだいじょ bodaijo same as 菩提寺: a family (an ancestral) temple; a (Buddhist) temple that retains one’s family grave
29 15 住職 じゅうしょく jūshoku chief priest (of a Buddhist temple)
30 1 疎略 そりゃく soryaku rough, crude, slovenly
30 4 退散する たいさんする taisansuru disperse, break up, melt away
30 4 加持祈禱 かじきとう kajikitō Buddhist prayers (incantations) to protect against misfortune
30 4 加持 かじ kaji an incantation, a prayer
30 4 すべ sube a means, a way, how to do
30 9 数珠 じゅず juzu a (Buddhist) rosary; (a string of) Buddhist prayer beads
30 9 爪繰る つまぐ tsumaguru finger, roll between the thumb and fingers
30 13 修行 しゅぎょう jugyō training, practice, study
30 13 奇特の きどく kidoku no laudable, praiseworthy. My dictionary says that this should take the particle 'na' and that the preferred pronunciation is きとく.
30 13 果たして はたして hatashite just as one thought, as expected
30 13 受け合い うけあい ukeai guarantee, assurance
30 14 一心を凝らす いっしんをこらす isshin o korasu concentrate one’s mind ((upon)), devote one’s thoughts ((to)). Actually this is the meaning given for 心を凝らす (こころをこらす - kokoro o korasu) but I'm assuming that if you substitute 一心 for 心 the meaning is about the same.
30 14 得脱 とくだつ tokudatsu (something about entering the afterlife?)
30 14 祈禱 きとう kitō a prayer, (one’s) devotions; an exorcism. Written 祈祷 in my dictionary.
30 15 何分 なにぶん nanibun please?
30 16 時分時 じぶんどき jibundoki (a) mealtime
30 16 念の入る ねんのいる nennoiru elaborate
30 16 精進料理 しょうじんりょうり jōjin ryōri a vegetable dish, vegetarian food. The term 精進 (しょうじん - jōjin) itself means diligence or devotion.
31 1 鱈腹 たらふく tarafuku a belly full, to one’s heart’s content
31 1 御駕籠 おかご okago a palanquin (for you)
31 1 申し付ける もうしつける mōshitsukeru tell, order
31 2 突き戻す つきもどす tsukimodosu refuse (to accept); turn down, spurn
31 4 和尚 おしょう oshō chief priest of a temple
31 10 気遣い きづかい kizukai fear, worry, solicitude; consideration, thoughtfulness
31 11 坊主 ぼうず bōzu Buddhist priest, monk; shaven head, boy, rascal
31 11 延命 えんめい enmei prolongation of life; long life, longevity
31 11 二の舞 にのまい ninomai repetition
31 12 度々 どど・たびたび dodo/tabitabi often, frequently. Not sure which pronunciation should be used.
31 12 押し掛ける おしかける oshikakeru call on somebody without being invited, throng into, barge (drop) in on
31 13 脛に疵で すねきず sune ni kizu de because he had a guilty conscience. The phrase 脛に疵を持つ (すねにきずをもつ - sune ni kizu o motsu) means to have a guilty conscience, to have a stain on one’s past. Here the character 疵 means crack, flaw, fault or stain. The character 脛 (すね - sune) means the leg or the shank.
31 13 ふるえあがる ふるえあがる furueagaru tremble violently, shudder up. Also written 震え上がる.
31 13 釘を刺す くぎをさす kugi o sasu remind somebody of something; give somebody a warning; lay down the law
31 16 御免を蒙る ごめんをこうむ gomen o kōmuru take the liberty of doing, beg off ((doing)), leave, retire ((from a place)). Or at least that's the meaning of 御免蒙る and I assume adding the particle 'o' doesn't change that too much.