Volume 1, Title 3 - kanpei no shi, Part 1

Page Line Original Text Phonetic Romanized Description
72 1 勘平 かんぺい kanpei a man's personal name
72 3 老大家 ろうたいか rōtaika a veteran authority. By itself 大家 means a master.
72 5 仕事師 しごとし shigotoshi a businessman, an entrepreneur
72 5 門松 かどまつ kadomatsu year-end decorations (outside of a door)
72 7 提灯 ちょうちん chōchin a paper lantern
72 7 甲走った かんばしった kanbashitta shrill, high-pitched
72 7 蓄音機 ちくおんき chikuonki a phonograph, a gramophone
72 8 師走 しわす shiwasu 12th lunar month, the year-end
72 8 ちまた chimata a street, a crossroads, a district
72 8 あわただしい あわただしい awatadashii busy, bustling
72 9 数え日 かぞ kazoebi "just a few days till the end of the year"?
72 10 心ない こころない kokoronai in considerate, cruel; thoughtless
72 11 仕業 しわざ shiwaza an act, a deed, one's doing
73 6 隠居 いんきょ inkyo retirement
73 6 ぼん bon the Bon Festival
73 8 渡りに舟 わたりにふね watari ni fune a timely offer
73 10 老婢 ばあや baaya an old housekeeper, an elderly maid. Also written 婆や.
73 11 旨い うまい umai tasty
73 12 懸け放れる かけはなれる kakehanareru become distant from, become far apart. Also written 掛け離れる.
73 14 京橋 きょうばし kyōbashi an area of Tokyo
73 14 和泉屋 いずみや izumiya a shop name
73 14 素人芝居 しろうとしばい shirōtoshbai amateur theatricals
74 1 一と騒動 ひとそうどう hitosōdō a bit of trouble. 騒動 (そうどう - sōdō) means a disturbance or a riot. My dictionary shows 一騒動 (ひとそうどう - hitosōdō) as meaning "a bit of trouble." It seems common in these stories to write 一と as being pronounced ひと.
74 2 安政 あんせい ansei the historical period from ~1854 to 1860
74 2 うま uma horse, 7th zodiac sign
74 2 鉄物屋 かなものや kanamonoya an ironmonger, a hardware dealer
74 3 具足町 ぐそくちょう gusokuchō the armorer's district?
74 3 気ちがい きちがい kichigai insanity, a mania
74 4 おっ始める おっぱじめる oppajimeru vulgar (?) emphatic form of "to start"
74 5 手柄話 てがらばなし tegarabanashi boasting of one's exploits
74 7 八丁堀 はっちょうぼり hatchōbori area of Tokyo
74 7 歳暮 せいぼ seibo year-end
74 7 お粂 くめ okume a woman's personal name
74 8 お民 おたみ otami a woman's personal name
74 8 世帯 せたい setai a household, a home
74 9 常磐津 ときわず tokiwazu a type of ballad
74 9 師匠 ししょう shishō master, teacher
74 15 粋な いきな iki na refined, stylish
74 15 大年増 おおどしま ōdoshima a woman (well) past her prime
75 2 おずおず おずおず ozuozu timidly, nervously
75 3 おかみさま おかみさま okamisama a housewife, the lady of the house, the proprietress (of a store)
75 3 下谷 したや shitaya area of Tokyo
75 3 文字清 もじきよ mojikiyo woman's stage name. This according to the translated version of the story.
75 4 文字房 もじふさ mojifusa okume's stage name (according to the translation)
75 5 厄介になる やっかいになる yakkai ni naru depend on somebody, be a burden to somebody
75 7 神経の尖った しんけいのとがった shinkei no togatta with nerves on edge. 尖った神経 means "nerves (that are) on edge."
75 8 こめかみ こめかみ komekami the temple (of one's head). Also written 顳顬.
75 8 頭痛膏 ずつうこう zutsūkō headache plaster?
75 9 血走っている ちはしっている chihashitteiru be bloodshot (as eyes)
75 10 折り入って おりいって oriitte earnestly
75 12 紹介す ひきあわ hikiawasu introduce, present. Also written 引き合わす. I'm more used to seeing the compound 紹介 in the form 紹介する (しょうかいする - shōkai suru), which has the same meaning as shown here.
75 15 恐れ入る おそれいる osoreiru be disconcerted
75 15 思案に余る しあんにあまる shian ni amaru be perplexed even after much pondering, be at one's wits' end
75 16 懇意 こんい koni kindness
76 7 すこぶる すこぶる sukoburu unusually, extremely. Also written 頗る.
76 7 大がかりの おおがかりの ōgakari no large-scale, massive
76 8 奥座敷 おくざしき okuzashiki an inner reception room
76 8 打ち抜く うちぬく uchinuku remove ((a partition between the rooms))
76 8 しつらえ しつらえ shitsurae provide, furnish
76 8 衣裳 いしょう ishō costumes
76 8 小道具 こどうぐ kodōgu (stage) props
76 9 チョボ語り ちょぼがたり chobogatari a gidayū reciter, same as a jōruri reciter?
76 10 太夫 たゆう tayū a female-role actor in a kabuki play
76 10 下座 げざ geza the musical accompanists' place on the right side of the inner stage
76 10 囃子方 はやしかた hayashikata the musical accompanists
76 10 道楽者 どうらくしゃ dōrakusha hobbyists? If this compound is pronounced どうらくもの it means a playboy or a libertine. I'm guessing that the last character is pronounced しゃ in the present context but I don't know for sure.
76 10 狩り集める かりあつめる kariatsumeru hastily roundup, scrape together. Also written 駆り集める.
76 11 狂言 きょうげん kyōgen a play, a drama
76 11 忠臣蔵 ちゅうしんぐら chūshingura a popular kabuki play, essentially the tale of the 47 ronin
76 11 だん dan an act (in a kabuki play), or it can also refer to a scene in a play or drama
76 11 五幕 いつまく istumaku five acts. 幕 (まく - maku) is an act in a play, as opposed to 場 (ば - ba) which is a scene.
76 12 総領息子 そうりょうむすこ sōryōmusuko eldest son
76 12 角太郎 かくたろう kakutarō a man's personal name
76 12 早野 はやの hayano a surname
76 12 華奢な きゃしゃ kyasha na delicate, slim, of slight build
76 13 嵌り役 はまりやく hamariyaku a well-fitting role, a part in character
76 15 とどこおりなく とどこおりなく todokōrinaku without a hitch, without mishap
76 16 追従 ついしょう tsuishō flattery, adulation
77 1 拝見する はいけんする haikensuru see, look, inspect
77 1 遅れ馳せ おくればせ okurebase late, tardy, last minute
77 2 燭台 しょくだい shokudai candlestick, candle stand
77 3 白粉 おしろい oshiroi face powder, face paint
77 3 咽る せる museru be choked, be smothered
77 3 よどむ よどむ yodomu stagnate
77 4 渦をまく うずをまく uzu o maku whirl, eddy, swirl
77 4 みなぎる みなぎる minagiru overflow, rise, be filled ((with))
77 4 洩れる もれる moreru leak, escape
77 6 歓楽 かんらく kanraku pleasure(s), fun
77 6 忽ち たちまち tachimachi in a moment, instantly
77 6 哀愁 あいしゅう aishū sorrow, grief
77 7 血潮 ちしお chishio spurting blood
77 7 糊紅 のりべに noribeni stage prop blood used in kabuki
77 7 凄い すごい sugoi dreadful, ghastly
77 8 真に迫る しんにせまる shin ni semaru be life-like
77 8 驚嘆する きょうたんする kyōtansuru admire, marvel at
77 9 金貝張り かながいばり kanagaibari fake metal? tin painted wood?
77 10 さや saya (sword) sheath, case
77 10 本身 ほんみ honmi a real sword
77 11 切っ先 きっさき kissaki the point ((of a sword)), a sharpened point
77 11 脇腹 わきばら wakibara one's side, flank
77 14 手当て てあて teate treatment, (medical) attention
77 15 おびただしい おびただしい obitadashii a huge amount of …
77 15 経過 けいか keika progression, developments
77 15 思わしい おもわしい omowashii favorable, satisfactory
77 16 閟き もが mogaki a ((violent)) struggle, writhing
77 16 むごたらしい むごたらしい mugotarashii terrible, horrible, cruel
78 1 葬式 とむらい tomurai a funeral service, a burial
78 5 口惜しがる くやしがる kuyashigaru be angry, be frustrated, regret
78 6 口を添える くちをそえる kuchi o soeru add one's words to somebody else's
78 8 仇を取る かたきをとる kataki o toru avenge oneself. 仇 (かたき - kataki) means an enemy, a foe, also written 敵.
78 11 煙にまく けむにまく kemu ni maku confuse (somebody), baffle
78 12 癇持ち かんもち kanmochi a hot-tempered person
79 3 仲橋 なかばし nakabashi a place in Tokyo?
79 5 亡くなる なくなる nakunaru die
79 8 左様 さよう sayō like that, yes, indeed
79 10 跡取り あととり ototori a successor, an heir
79 12 世間の手前 せけんのてまえ seken no temae for the sake of appearances
79 12 ため tame welfare, advantage
79 13 一生 いっしょう isshō for the rest of one's life
79 13 縁切り えんきり enkiri separation, divorce
79 16 蔭ながら かげながら kagenagara secretly, in secret
80 2 食いつく くいつく kuitsuku bite ((at …)), sink one's teeth into something