Volume 1, Title 1 - ofumi no tamashii, Part 4

Page Line Original Text Phonetic Romanized Description
32 3 本郷 ほんごう hongō one’s hometown
32 5 貴公 きこう kikō you
32 5 目録 もくろく mokuroku a catalogue, an inventory
32 6 わいわい わいわい waiwai noisily, boisterously
32 10 一条 いちじょう ichijō a line, a streak, a matter, a quotation
32 13 吟味する ぎんみする ginmisuru examine closely, scrutinize
32 15 破戒 はかい hakai violation of the ((Buddhist) precepts
32 15 誑かす たぶらかす taburakasu deceive, seduce
32 15 不埒 ふらち furachi breach of etiquette, insolence, misconduct
33 1 相違 そうい sōi difference, disparity, disagreement
33 5 参詣 さんけい sankei a visit to a temple/shrine, worship
33 5 別間 べつま betsuma separate room, special room
33 6 つくづく つくづく tsukuzuku hard, intently; closely, in detail
33 7 独り言 ひとりごと hitorigoto soliloquy, monologue
33 7 仰しゃる おっしゃる ossharu say, speak
33 13 独り身 ひとりみ hitorimi celibacy, bachelorhood, spinsterhood. My dictionary seems to prefer 独身 (どくしん - dokushin) for this usage.
33 13 さもないと さもないと samonaito otherwise, else
33 14 災難 さいなん sainan calamity, disaster
33 15 せめて せめて semete at least
34 1 所詮 しょせん shosen in the end; (not) at all
34 4 蔑す けな kenasu speak ill of, belittle. Also written 貶す.
34 5 註を入れる ちゅうをいれる chū o ireru to insert an explanation, to comment on
34 8 まきぞえ まきぞえ makizoe involvement, entanglement. Also written 巻き添え.
34 9 着せる きせる kiseru clothe; cover; blame for, impute a crime to
34 16 呪う のろ norou to put a curse on somebody
35 1 白酒 しろざけ shirosake white sake (made from sake and rice malt); sweet white sake
35 3 取り付く とりつく toritsuku hold fast to, cling to
35 4 かの かの kano that? According to my dictionary this means the same as あの. But was that true when this story was written?
35 4 手討ち てうち teuchi killing with one’s own sword
36 11 浅はかな あさはかな asahakana frivolous, shallow, rash, foolish
36 12 取り成す とりなす torinasu mediate between, intercede on someone’s behalf
36 16 菩提寺 ぼだいじ bodaiji
37 1 表向き おもてむき omotemuki publicly, openly; ostensibly, formally
37 1 追善供養 ついぜんくよう tsuisenkuyō Buddhist memorial service
37 2 夜啼き yonaki crying at night
37 2 功力 くりき kuriki efficacy; (an) effect; also 効験
37 3 まことしやかに まことしやかに makotoshiyakani plausibly; as if it were true. Also written 誠しやかに.
37 7 眼力 がんりき・がんりょく ganriki/ganryoku insight, power of observation. I'm not sure which pronunciation would have been used here.
37 9 ~に就いて ~について ~ni tsuite about, concerning
37 9 註釈 ちゅうしゃく chūshaku notes, comment, exegesis
37 9 憚る はばか habakaru be afraid of, have scruples about doing
37 10 女犯 にょぼん nyobon (priest’s) clandestine romance
37 10 寺社 じしゃ jisha Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines
37 10 捕われる とらわれる torawareru be caught, be arrested
37 11 断崖 だんがい dangai precipice, cliff
37 14 吹聴する ふいちょうする fuichōsuru make public, announce
38 2 併し しかし shikashi however, but
38 3 探偵 たんてい tantei detective work, espionage, detective, spy, investigator, agent
38 4 に於ける ける niokeru at, in
38 6 あたかも あたかも atakamo just at that time?
38 6 日清 にっしん nisshin Sino (Manchu-) Japanese
38 7 告げる つげる tsugeru tall, inform, announce
38 8 水々しい みずみずしい mizumizushii young and fresh, fresh-looking. Also written 瑞々しい.
38 8 お爺さん おじいさん ojiisan old man
38 11 贅沢 ぜいたく zeitaku luxury, extravagance
38 13 うずめる うずめる uzumeru fill up, stuff, cram. Also written 埋める.