Volume 1, Title 3 - kanpei no shi, Part 4

Page Line Original Text Phonetic Romanized Description
95 2 寝そべる ねそべる nesoberu sprawl
95 2 甚だ はなはだ hanahada very, greatly, exceedingly
95 3 迂闊に うかつ ukatsu ni thoughtlessly, carelessly
95 5 思い思いに おもいおもいに omoiomoi ni (each) as one likes, each after one's own taste
95 6 受け持ち うけもち ukemochi an undertaking
95 6 用向き ようむき yōmuki business, an errand. Ex: 用向きを尋ねる (ようむきをたずねる - yōmuki o tazuneru) = "ask somebody about the nature of his errand"
95 6 取りかかる とりかかる torikakaru begin, start ((doing))
95 6 小半時 こはんとき kohantoki nearly half an hour, a scant half hour. Note that 一時 is the basic (approximately) two hour period of old Japanese timekeeping. 半時 is half of this so about an hour. And the present term is half of that, apparently, so about 1/2 hour.
95 7 見せかける みせかける misekakeru pretend, feign
95 7 俄かに にわかに niwaka ni suddenly, abruptly
95 11 かえる kaeru a frog, a toad
95 11 腹這う はらばう harabau crawl (on one's belly)
95 12 抜き足し ぬきあし nukiashi stealthy footsteps
95 13 窺う うかがう ukagau spy on, watch for (a chance)
95 15 うるんだ うるんだ urunda blurry, muddy. Past tense of うるむ meaning to become blurred, become cloudy.
96 1 焦れる じれる jireru become impatient, be fretful, be irritated
96 2 泥坊猫 どろぼうねこ dorobōneko a pet cat that steals food from other houses
96 5 とうから とうから tōkara for a long time. Also written 疾うから.
96 5 惚れる れる horeru fall in love ((with…))
96 9 堪忍 かんにん kannin patience, patient endurance
96 11 日蔭町 ひかげちょう hikagechō a place in Tokyo?
96 11 間ぎわ まぎわ magiwa a point just before…
96 13 総身 そうしん sōshin the whole body
96 13 悚然とする ぞっとする zottosuru shudder ((with horror)), be horrified ((to see))
97 6 当てつけ あてつけ atetsuke an insinuation, a spiteful remark
97 8 ろう prison
97 9 くどく くどく kudoku tediously, repeatedly
97 14 線香 せんこう senkō a stick of incense
98 1 石町 こくちょう kokuchō a place in Tokyo?
98 4 泥足 どろあし doroashi muddy feet
98 6 世間話 せけんばなし sekenbanashi small talk
98 7 時に ときに toki ni by the way, incidentally
98 7 空とぼけて そらとぼけて soratobokete feigning ignorance, with false innocence
98 9 なんぞ なんぞ nanzo anything, something
98 16 取り巻く とりまく torimaku surround, encircle
99 1 人品 じんぴん jinpin personal appearance, bearing
99 6 乗り出す のりだす noridasu lean forward, push oneself forward
99 11 首を縊る くびをくく kubi o kukuru hang oneself
100 1 色恋 いろこい irokoi love, affair of the heart
100 1 もつれ もつれ motsure a tangle, a snarl
100 2 それとなく それとなく soretonaku indirectly, in a roundabout way
100 5 彼奴 あいつ aitsu he, she, that fellow
100 5 雑作 ぞうさ zōsa trouble, difficulty
100 5 入牢する じゅろうする jurōsuru enter prison?
100 6 吟味 ぎんみ ginmi (careful) inquiry, inspection
100 6 兇状 きょうじょう kyōjō crime, offense
100 7 引き合い ひきあい hikiai an inquiry
100 8 暖簾に疵が付く のれんにきずがつく noren ni kizu ga tsuku damage the good name of a shop
100 10 一と思いに ひとおもいに hitoomoi ni without more ado, once and for all
100 10 自滅する じめつする jimetsusuru destroy oneself
100 15 図にあたる ずにあたる zu ni ataru work well, hit the mark
101 1 つば tsuba saliva
101 2 恐れ入る おそれいる osoreiru be dumbfounded
101 5 乱心 らんしん ranshin mental derangement, madness
101 6 親御 おやご oyago (your) parents
101 6 逆磔刑 さかはりつけ sakaharitsuke crucifixion upside down
101 6 飽き足らねえ あきたらねえ akitaranee be unsatisfying, be not content, be inadequate? This is actually the meaning given for 飽き足りない (あきたりない - akitarinai) but I'm assuming that these are similar in meaning.
101 7 仕置き しおき shioki execution, punishment
101 8 後始末 あとしまつ atoshimatsu settlement, liquidation, clearing up
101 10 重ね重ね かさねかさね kasanekasane exceedingly, repeatedly
102 2 勘違い かんちがい kanchigai a misunderstanding
102 2 得心の行くように とくしんのいくように tokushin no ikuyou ni convincingly, to one's satisfaction
102 4 達者でいる たっしゃでいる tasshadeiru be quite well, enjoy good health
102 6 亭主 ていしゅ teishu husband
102 6 頼りのない たよりのない tayorinonai forsaken, forlorn
102 9 行き届く いきとどく ikitodoku be attentive (scrupulous)
102 10 附き合う つきあう tsukiau have relations ((with…))
102 12 ひねる ひねる hineru turn, twist
102 13 媒妁 なこうど nakōdo a matchmaker, a go-between
102 13 娘分 むすめぶん musumebun someone who is treated as one's own daughter
103 2 妹娘 いもうとむすめ imōtomusume younger daughter
103 5 八笑人 はっしょうじん hasshōjin the comic novel 花暦八笑人 or "Eight Laughing Men" by Ryūtei Rijō
103 5 お馴染みの おなじみの onajimi no ((something)) you know well
103 5 茶番 ちゃばん chaban a farcical form of drama
103 7 よんどころない よんどころない yondokoronai unavoidable, necessary