Volume 1, Title 2 - ishi dōrō, Part 4

Page Line Original Text Phonetic Romanized Description
64 14 ど偉い どえらい doerai immense, tremendous
64 15 ~やがる ~やがる ~yagaru ? An auxiliary verb used for emphasis? My dictionary translates 「この野郎、何をしやがる!」 as "You son of a bitch, what do you think you're doing". So the literal translation of this auxiliary verb isn't clear to me.
64 15 駆け出し かけだし kakedashi a beginner, a novice
64 15 油断のならない ゆだんのならない yudan no naranai snaky, insidious, foxy, cunning, subtle ((enemy, fellow))
65 1 旦那方 だんながた dannadata the gentlemen, Messrs.
65 1 申し立てる もうしたてる mōshitareru state, declare
65 3 生けっぷ けっぷ ikeppu ? I think the translation has this as something like "a nasty piece of work"? But I'm not sure.
65 6 閉ねる ねる haneru close, be over, come to an end
65 7 楽屋 がくや gakuya dressing room, green room; behind the scenes
65 10 影が翳す かげが kagegasasu a shadow falls on something
65 15 衣装 いしょう ishō clothes, garments
65 15 葛籠 つづら tsuzura a clothes box, a wicker basket, a trunk
65 15 しなやかな しなやかな shinayaka na pliant, flexible, limber
66 6 問答 もんどう mondō questions and answers, discussion, dispute
66 10 焦れる れる jireru fret (and fume), become impatient
66 10 催促する さいそくする saizokusuru press ((somebody for something)), urge, demand
66 11 お供する おともする otomosuru attend, accompany
66 12 ようやく ようやく yōyaku gradually, little by little. Also written 漸く.
66 13 くやしい くやしい kuyashii vexatious, causing chagrin. Also written 悔しい.
66 13 じろりと じろりと jirori to with a (sharp) glance
66 14 搔きあわせる きあわせる kakiawaseru adjust, arrange
66 16 直に きに jiki ni immediately, directly, at once
66 16 頂けない いただけない itadakenai be unacceptable
67 2 冷やかに ひやかに hiyaka ni cooly, coldheartedly; same as 冷ややかに
67 5 居る おる oru to be, to exist, reside
67 7 遣る瀬ない ない yarusenai cheerless, uneasy, grief-stricken
67 13 河岸 かし kashi riverside, waterfront
67 13 疎らに まばらに mabara ni sparsely, thinly, here and there
67 13 煌き きらめき kirameki glittering, sparkling
67 14 水明かり みずあかり mizuakari light shining on the water? At first I parsed this as 水明 (すいめい - suimei) meaning shimmering of clear water, but I think that was wrong.
67 15 行燈 あんどん andon a paper-covered lamp stand
67 16 かり・かりがね kari/karigane a wild goose
68 3 だしぬけに だしぬけに dashinuke ni suddenly, abruptly
68 4 堪忍する かんにんする kanninsuru be patient ((with…)), bear ((with…))
68 5 突き退ける つきのける tsukinokeru thrust aside, elbow aside
68 5 力任せに ちからまかせに chikaramakase ni with all one’s strength, by brute force
68 6 軽業師 かるわざし karuwazashi acrobat, tumbler; 軽業(かるわざ) = acrobatics, a tumble
68 6 捷業 はやわざ hayawaza quick work, a feat of agility
68 6 欄干 らんかん rankan railing, balustrade
68 7 まっさかさまに まっさかさまに massakasama ni headlong, head first, head over heels. Also written 真っ逆様に.
68 7 大川 おおかわ・たいせん ōkawa/taisen a large river
68 7 水底 みなそこ・すいてい minasoko/suitei sea bottom, river bottom
68 7 呑まれる のまれる nomareru be swallowed (up)
68 8 畜生 ちくしょう chikushō beast, brute; Damn it!
68 9 船頭 せんどう sendō boatman, seaman, mariner
68 10 くい kui stake, post, piling
68 11 浅草海苔 あさくさのり asakusanori laver, sheets of dried seaweed
68 11 絡み付く からみつく karamitsuku twine around, get fouled
68 12 凍る こおる kōru freeze, congeal
68 12 晒す さら sarasu expose ((to sunlight, wind, rain, etc. ))
68 12 検視 けんし kenji careful inspection of the scene of a crime to look for evidence
68 13 踏み外す ふみはずす fumihazusu miss one’s foot, make a false step, lose one’s footing
68 15 目見え めみえ memie an audience, an interview, one’s debut
69 2 表へ出る おもてへでる omote e deru go (come) outside, go out of doors, take the air
69 9 ぼう wide, extensive; in a daze??
69 9 知恵 ちえ chie wisdom, wits
69 9 分別 ふんべつ funbetsu discretion, good sense
69 12 仕置 しおき shioki execution, punishment
69 12 小塚ッ原 こづかっぱら kozukappara place name
69 12 梟ける ける kakeru to expose (a severed head) [I think, from the character, but this pronunciation doesn't seem to go with it]
69 13 格別の かくべつの kakubetsu no particular, special
69 13 以て もっ motte with, by means of
69 13 遠島 えんとう entō exile to an island
69 13 一件 いっけん ikken a case, a matter
69 13 落着する らくちゃくする rakuchakusuru be closed, come to a conclusion
69 15 売出す うりだす uridasu offer for sale; gain a reputation
70 1 霍乱 かくらん kakuran sunstroke, heatstroke
70 1 死にぎわに しにぎわに shinigiwa ni at the point of death; in one’s last moments. Also written 死に際に.
70 1 お仙 おせん osen a woman's personal name
70 5 先刻 さっき sakki already, a while ago, just now. Also pronounced せんこく.
70 11 入れ揚げる いれあげる ireageru lavish money on
70 11 手繰る たぐ taguru haul in ((a rope)) hand over hand; catch hold of …; unravel ((a mystery)), trace
70 12 埒が明く らちがあく rachigaaku be settled, come to an end
70 14 むこ muko son-in-law; same as 婿(むこ)
70 15 老舗 しにせ shinise an old (long-established) store
70 15 一旦 いったん ittan once, briefly, temporarily
71 3 油断 ゆだん yudan negligence, carelessness, inattention
71 3 気が張る きがはる kigaharu get worked up, get tense
71 6 手柄 てがら tegara a feat, an exploit