Volume 1, Title 3 - kanpei no shi, Part 3

Page Line Original Text Phonetic Romanized Description
88 5 箸を取る はしをとる hashi o toru take up one's chopsticks (to begin a meal)
88 8 野暮な やぼ yabo na unsophisticated, boorish
88 11 徳利 とっくり tokkuri a sake bottle
88 11 手酌 てじゃく tejaku pouring sake for oneself. 手酌で飲む = "pour one's own sake"
88 11 飲み干す のみほす nomihosu drink up, drain ((the bottle))
88 12 歳の市 としのまち toshi no machi year-end market, a year-end fair. Using the reading まち for 市 is unusual, this character usually being read いち, so this would be read としのいち (toshi no ichi) according to my dictionary.
88 14 渋っ紙 しぶっがみ shibuggami Japanese paper strengthened with tannin from persimmon juice [I'm not completely certain about the correct reading]
89 1 心許ない こころもとない kokoromotonai uncertain, doubtful. Ex: 心許ない表情で = "with an apprehensive look"
89 3 小僧 こぞう kozō an errand boy; a young priest; a rascal
89 3 危なく あぶなく abunaku (very) nearly do, come near doing
89 3 突き当たる つきあたる tsukiataru run into, collide with…
89 6 よろける よろける yorokeru totter, stagger
89 7 後悔する こうかいする kōkaisuru regret doing something
89 9 躊躇する ちゅうちょする chūchosuru hesitate ((to do))
89 14 赭ら顔 あからかお akarakao a ruddy face, a florid complexion
89 14 かたまる かたまる katamaru gather (together), assemble; harden, clot
89 16 指図 さしず sashizu directions, instructions, orders
90 3 ‐伝いで -づたいで —zutaide along ... (a wall, a hallway)
90 3 南天 なんてん nanten a sacred bamboo, a nandina; the southern sky
90 3 房房と ふさふさと fusafusa to in tufts, in clusters
90 5 よぎ yogi bedding, a quilt. My sources show this character being read ふすま (fusuma). This in turn says it's the same as 夜具 (やぐ - yagu).
90 6 小作り こづくり kozukuri small stature, of slight build
90 10 窶れる やつれる yatsureru become thin, waste away
90 11 捗捗しい はかばかしい hakabakashii rapid, quick; satisfactory
90 12 さめざめと泣く さめざめとなく samezametonaku weep (sob) silently
90 16 きれぎれに きれぎれに kiregire ni in pieces, in fragments
91 1 勿体ない もったいない mottainai impious, irreverent
91 2 隙を見る すきをみる suki o miru see an opportunity
91 8 辛抱する しんぼうする shinbōsuru be patient, put up with ((a difficult situation))
91 8 しきりに しきりに shikiri ni frequently, repeatedly, constantly
91 10 折角 せっかく sekkaku at great pains, expressly
91 16 帳場 ちょうば chōba counter, desk; office
91 16 ずらりと ずらりと zurari to in a row
92 1 十露盤 そろばん soroban an abacus. Also written 算盤.
92 1 はじく はじく hajiku move counters, use an abacus
92 3 荷を解く にをほどく・にをとく ni o hodoku / ni o toku unpack ((a box)), uncrate [the two readings shown seem to be equally likely]
92 6 どっかりと どっかりと dokkari to plop, ponderously
92 6 胡坐をかく あぐらをかく agura o kaku sit cross-legged
92 6 じろじろ見る じろじろみる jirojiromiru stare at somebody, scrutinize
92 8 名高けえ なだけえ nadakee famous, eminent [here I'm assuming that the ending -kee is equivalent to -kai, and to some extent guessing as to the correct reading]
92 8 清正公 せいしょうこう seishōkō a famous shrine in Tokyo
92 9 知れ渡る しれわたる shirewataru become widely known
92 9 不取締り ふとりしまり futorishimari lack of discipline? 取締り (とりしまり - torishimari) means discipline, control
92 10 主殺し しゅうごろし shūgoroshi the murder of one's master [I've also seen the readings shugoroshi and shūkoroshi]
92 14 せせら笑う せせらわらう seserawarau laugh (smile) mockingly
92 15 揃いも揃って そろいもそろって soroimosorotte one and all, without exception
92 15 不埒な ふらちな furachi na lawless, nefarious, wicked
92 15 朋輩 ほうばい hōbai a colleague, a comrade, friend
93 1 磔刑 はりつけ haritsuke crucifixion
93 2 多寡 たか taka quantity, an amount
93 3 大それた だいそれた daisoreta wild, crazy, mad
93 3 そもそも そもそも somosomo originally, in the first place
93 4 明きめくら あきめくら akimekura someone with bad or no eyesight? Someone who is illiterate?
93 4 御歳暮 おせいぼ oseibo a year-end present [I'm guessing that the first character is read お and not ご here]
93 4 寒鴉 かんがらす kangarasu a winter bird
93 5 持薬 じやく jiyaku one's favorite medicine, a medicine for one's habitual use
93 6 灰汁 あく aku lye
93 9 調子に乗る ちょうしにのる chōshi ni noru get carried away
93 10 仕合わせ しあわせ shiawase happiness; fortune, luck
93 10 科人 とがにん toganin a criminal, a convict. The character 科 can be read とが (toga) meaning an offence or a fault.
93 10 引っ括る ひっくくる hikkukuru bind
93 11 いけしゃあしゃあとした いけしゃあしゃあとした ikeshaashaa toshita be irritatingly unconcerned
93 12 つら tsura a face
93 14 怨む うらむ uramu bear a grudge, show resentment
93 14 梅川 うめかわ umekawa a woman's name, the name of the courtesan in the play
93 14 浄瑠璃 じょうるり jōruri jōruri, a type of dramatic recitation, accompanied by a samisen, that is associated with the Japanese puppet theatre
93 15 愚痴 ぐち guchi a silly complaint, a grumble
93 15 神妙に しんみょうに shinmyō ni obediently, without resistance
93 15 覚悟している かくごしている kakugoshiteiru be resigned, be resolved
94 4 横っ面 よこつら yokottsura the side of the face
94 8 裸馬 はだかうま hadakauma an unsaddled horse
94 9 鈴ヶ森 すずがもり suzugamori an area of Tokyo (an execution ground)
94 9 小塚ッ原 こづかっぱら kozukappara an area of Tokyo (an execution ground, in the old days)
94 10 突き手 つきて tsukite a pounder?
94 10 やり yari spear, lance
94 10 しごく しごく shigoku haze, bully. Ex: 新入部員を扱く = "haze new club members"
94 12 何遍も なんべんも nanben mo often, many times
94 13 刑罰 けいばつ keibatsu a punishment, a penalty
94 14 云い知れぬ いいしれぬ iishirenu unspeakable, indescribable
94 14 恐怖 きょうふ kyōfu fear, terror, panic
94 14 身をすくめる みをすくめる mi o sukumeru flinch ((from…)). I'm basing this on the phrase 体をすくめる (からだをすくめる - karada o sukumeru) which has the meaning given here.
94 15 宣告 せんこく senkoku a pronouncement
94 15 眼たたきもしない たたきもしない matataki mo shinai this probably means without blinking
94 15 小時 しばし shibashi a (little) while. Same meaning as しばらく (shibaraku).