Volume 1, Title 2 - ishi dōrō, Part 3

Page Line Original Text Phonetic Romanized Description
56 2 昇り降り のぼりおり noboriori going up and down
56 5 広小路 ひろこうじ hirokōji thoroughfare, a broad street, a main street, an avenue
56 6 かれこれ かれこれ karekore about, nearly
56 6 寄席 よせ yose variety hall
56 6 見世物 みせもの misemono show, exhibition, circus
56 7 囃し立てる はやしたてる hayashitateru cheer; jeer ((at)), make fun of
56 9 瘦せる やせる yaseru grow thin, become lean
56 10 場所柄 ばしょがら bashogara the character of a place
56 13 繁昌 はんじょう hanjō prosperity, success
56 14 汲む kumu draw ((water))
56 16 亭主 ていしゅ teishu master, landlord, inn keeper, husband
57 2 情夫 いろ iro a lover, a paramour. My dictionary shows this compound being pronounced じょうふ (jōfu). Today this would probably be written 色 (いろ) but with the same meaning.
57 4 金次 きんじ kinji a man's personal name
57 8 反物 たんもの tanmono a length of cloth needed to make a kimono
57 12 一座 いちざ ichiza the (whole) company
57 13 綱渡り つなわたり tsunawatari tightrope walking, tightrope walker, danger
57 13 宙乗り ちゅうのり chūnori aerial stunts
57 13 きわどい きわどい kiwadoi dangerous, risky. Also written 際どい.
57 13 曲芸 きょくげい kyokugei tricks, acrobatic stunts
57 14 せいぜい せいぜい seizei to the utmost
57 16 媚びを売る こびをうる kobi o uru make eyes at somebody
58 1 みとれる みとれる mitoreru gaze upon something with rapture; feast one’s eyes on. Also written 見惚れる.
58 9 上がり框 あがりかまち agarikamachi the timber frame at that part of a house through which one steps into the house proper. 框 itself means frame or rail
58 10 一服 いっぷく ippuku one dose, one puff, a smoke
58 11 据える すえる sueru set (a table)
58 12 ぞんざいに ぞんざいに zonzai ni carelessly, roughly
59 3 途端に とたんに totan ni in the act of, just as
59 3 挨拶する あいさつする aisatsusuru greet somebody
59 7 小粋な こいき koiki na stylish, chic, smart, neat
59 8 満更 まんざら manzara ((not)) wholly, ((not)) altogether
59 9 大哥 あにい anii elder brother? This is somewhat confusing. 哥 and 兄 can both be pronounced あに and mean elder brother. My dictionary lists あにい as meaning "a dashing young man" but writes it 兄い. So I'm not sure what meaning is meant here, but probably just a somewhat honorific version of elder brother used figuratively. Then again Nelson shows 大兄 as being pronounced おおあに (ōani) and meaning eldest brother or being pronounced たいけい (taikei) and being a polite term for elder brother or just someone a little older than oneself. There is no entry for 大哥.
59 10 愛想よく あいそよく aisoyoku pleasantly, in a friendly way
59 10 招じる しょうじる shōjiru invite, show in [same as 請(しょう)じる?]
59 11 素振り すぶり suburi manner, behavior
59 12 ありあり ありあり ariari clearly, distinctly, obviously
59 16 堪忍する かんにんする kanninsuru be patient ((with…)), put up with …
60 1 おし oshi deaf, mute
60 2 火箸 ひばし hibashi tongs
60 2 かちかち かちかち kachikachi tick tock, click click, click-clack
60 5 愛嬌 あいきょう aikyō charm, attractiveness
60 6 おごる おごる ogoru brag, show off. Also written 驕る.
60 6 惚気 のろけ noroke talking (bragging) about one’s lovelife
60 8 よんどころなしに よんどころなしに yondokoronashi unavoidably, necessarily. Actually my dictionary has 拠ない (よんどころない - yondokoronai) meaning unavoidable or necessary but I assume this means more or less the same thing.
60 8 片棒をかつぐ かたぼうをかつぐ katabō o katsugu take part ((in…)), have a hand ((in…))
60 9 破目 はめ hame tear, rent, split, breach. This seems like an odd pronounciation. My dictionary gives instead 破れ目 (やぶれめ - yabureme) as the closest thing. But maybe the meaning here isn't quite the same.
60 9 万々 ばんばん banban very much, fully; (with negative) never
60 10 慈悲 じひ jihi compassion, charity, mercy
60 14 神妙に しんみょうに shinmyō ni obediently, without resistance, humbly
60 14 手前 てめえ temee you
61 4 景気 けいき keiki business activity
61 5 自棄 やけ yake self-abandonment, desperation, despair
61 7 小綺麗な こぎれいな kogirei na trim, neat, snug
61 10 くち kuchi (bird) bill, mouth? The kanji here means a bird's bill but that is pronounced くちばし. So I assume this is just a humerous way to write mouth since the pronounciation is given as くち. And the phrase 「くちばしを入れる」, using the term for a "beak," is translated as "to poke ones nose into something."
61 13 ちょう chō counter for palanquins (etc.)
61 15 猿轡を嵌める さるぐつわめる sarugutsuwa o hameru gag somebody; put a gag in somebody’s mouth
61 16 意気地 いくじ ikuji self-respect, honor, pride. This compound can also be pronounced いきじ but it seems to have a somewhat different meaning then.
61 16 ぐずぐずする ぐずぐずする guzuguzusuru be slow, dawdle, dilly-dally. Also written 愚図愚図する.
62 1 無暗に むやみ muyami ni thoughtlessly, rashly, imprudently
62 1 剣突を食わせる けんつくをくわせる kentsuku o kuwaseru scold, chew somebody out
62 5 女衒 ぜげん zegen a pander, a pimp; a procuress
62 5 潮来 いたこ itako place name
62 8 苦しまぎれに くるしまぎれに kurushimagire ni driven by pain (distress). Also written 苦し紛れに.
62 10 引っぱがす ひっぱがす hippagasu tear (rip) off. Also written 引っ剥がす.
62 10 よそ行きの服 よそゆきのふく yosoyuki no fuku one’s best clothes
63 2 すごすご すごすご sugosugo disappointedly, dejectedly
63 4 手ぶらで てぶらで tebura de with empty hands
63 4 かかあ kakaa a wife
63 5 土てっ腹 どてっぱら doteppara (one's) guts, as in stab someone in the guts
63 11 度胸 どきょう dokyō courage, pluck, nerve, bravery
63 11 情婦 いろ iro a lover, a mistress. Same as 情夫 more or less and also pronounced じょうふ (jōfu) these days.
63 12 運の尽き うんのつき unnotsuki the end of one’s luck; one’s downfall
63 15 おちおち おちおち ochiochi calmly, peacefully, in comfort
63 16 往生する おうじょうする ōjōsuru die a happy death; be stumped; give up ((a struggle))
64 3 どの道 どのみち donomichi anyhow, either way, in any case
64 3 当分 とうぶん tōbun for some time (to come)
64 3 娑婆 しゃば shaba this world, the outside world
64 6 真っ昼間 まっぴるま mappiruma broad daylight
64 6 勘弁する かんべんする kanbensuru forgive, permit
64 10 牽く hiku to pull
64 11 いじらしい いじらしい ijirashii loveable; pitiful