Volume 1, Title 3 - kanpei no shi, Part 2

Page Line Original Text Phonetic Romanized Description
80 4 内情 いきさつ ikisatsu the (internal) state of affairs, the (real) circumstances. In my references this pronunciation is shown written 経緯, while the compound used here is shown as being pronounced ないじょう (naijō), but with more or less the same meanings.
80 5 煙管 きせる kiseru a traditional Japanese (tobacco) pipe
80 5 不時の ふじの fuji no untimely, unexpected
80 6 理窟 りくつ rikutsu reason, theory. Same as 理屈.
80 11 無智 むち muchi ignorance, stupidity
80 11 嘲る あざけ azakeru laugh at …, make fun of …, ridicule
80 13 お照 おてる oteru a woman's personal name
80 13 料簡 りょうけん ryōken an idea, an intention
80 14 家督 かとく katoku family headship, inheritance
80 15 相続 そうぞく sōzoku succession, inheritance
81 2 隠し子 かくしご kakushigo an illegitimate child, a child by another woman
81 4 ごたごた ごたごた gotagota cramped, confused
81 4 すき suki a chance, an opportunity; an opening, a gap
81 4 掏り替える りかえる surikaeru substitute ((one thing for another)), switch
81 5 疑ぐる うたぐる utaguru doubt, distrust
81 5 邪推 じゃすい jasui a groundless suspicion, an unjust conjecture
81 8 継子 ままこ mamako a stepchild
81 9 凝塊 しこり shikori a lump ((in the breast)). This is based on this reading. For this compound with the reading ぎょうかい (gyōkai) the meaning is: a clot.
81 10 否む いな inamu refuse, deny
81 10 実子 じっし jisshi one's own child
81 10 身代 しんだい shindai a fortune, an estate
81 11 嵩じる こうじる jiru be aggravated, grow worse
81 11 企む たくら takuramu plan, (hatch a) plot
81 14 一途に いちず ichizu ni intently, single-mindedly
81 16 口惜しい くやしい kuyashii vexing, causing chagrin
82 1 暴れ込む あばれこむ abarekomu storm into, burst into
82 1 ずたずたに ずたずたに zutazuta ni to pieces, into shreds
82 3 昂ぶる たかぶる takaburu to get excited, get worked up. Usually written 高ぶる.
82 3 物狂おしい ものぐるおしい monoguruoshii crazy, wild, desperate
82 3 取りのぼせる とりのぼせる torinoboseru ?
82 3 うっかり うっかり ukkari carelessly, without thinking
82 4 嗾ける けしかける keshikakeru instigate (somebody) ((to do)), put somebody up ((to do)), sic ((a dog)) on somebody
82 4 病犬 やまいぬ yamainu a mad dog? 病犬 (びょうけん) is a sick dog, where 病 (やまい - yamai) means "sick," while 山犬 (やまいぬ) is a wild dog, so I guess this is sort of a combination of both ideas?
82 4 啖い付く くらいつく kuraitsuku bite into something, sink one's teeth into something
82 4 知れない しれない shirenai "there is no knowing"
82 9 お上 かみ okami the authorities?
82 9 念を押す ねんをおす nen o osu emphasize, call somebody's attention ((to…))
83 2 素通りする すどおりする sudōrisuru pass through without stopping
83 3 鳶頭 かしら kashira leader, boss. If read とびがしら (tobigashira) this means "chief fireman."
83 3 あいにく あいにく ainiku unfortunately
83 4 ふた言三言 ふたことみこと futakotomikoto a few words [not certain of the correct reading of the last part]
83 10 しば shiba a place in Tokyo, apparently
83 10 露月町 ろうげつちょう rōgetsuchō a place in Tokyo, apparently
83 10 渡世 とせい tosei a living, livelihood, getting by
83 10 大和屋 やまとや yamatoya the name of a shop
83 10 十右衛門 じゅうえもん jūemon a man's personal name [the reading is from the translation]
83 13 折柄 おりから orikara just then, at that moment
84 1 鰻屋 うなぎや unagiya an eel shop, an eel restaurant
84 2 日影 ひかげ hikage sunshine, light
84 3 枝振り えだぶり edaburi the shape of (the branches of) a tree
84 3 あつらえの あつらえの atsurae no prepared-to-order
84 3 さかな sakana fish [an alternate character apparently]; a side dish to go with sake
84 4 猪口 ちょこ choko a sake cup. Also read ちょく (choku).
84 4 献酬 やりとり yaritori an exchange, give and take. Also read けんしゅう (kenshū).
84 5 お役目柄で おやくめがらで oyakumegarade "by virtue of your official position"
84 7 致し方もございません いたしかたもございません itashikata mo gozaimasen "it can't be helped"
84 9 思い余る おもいあまる omoiamaru be unable to make up one's mind, be at one's wits' end
84 9 変死 へんし henshi an unnatural death, a violent death
84 10 薄々知っている うすうすしっている usuusushitteiru have an inkling of ((a fact))
85 1 継母 ままはは mamahaha a stepmother
85 1 根性 こんじょう konjō (a) nature, (a) disposition
85 1 心外 しんがい shingai unexpected, vexing
85 2 筋道 すじみち sujimichi reason, logic, chain (of reasoning)
85 5 不憫 ふびん fubin poor, piteous [used with the particle な (na)]
85 5 洟をかむ はなをかむ hana o kamu blow one's nose. This "hana" doesn't mean "nose" but rather "nasal mucus" or "snot."
85 8 いつわり いつわり itsuwari a lie, a falsehood
85 15 かつら katsura a wig
86 3 間ぎわ まぎわ magiwa on the verge of doing…
86 8 跫音 あしおと ashioto sound of footsteps
86 10 庄八 しょうはち shōhachi man's personal name [the reading is from the translation]
86 10 長次郎 ちょうじろう chōjirō man's personal name [the reading is from the translation]
86 10 和吉 かずきち kazukichi man's personal name [the reading is from the translation]
86 12 千崎弥五郎 せんざきやごろう senzakiyagorō a character in the play
86 15 勝負事 しょうぶごと shōbugoto a game of skill, a game of chance, competition
87 3 お冬 おふゆ ofuyu a woman's personal name
87 4 容貌 きりょう kiryō looks, personal appearance? When read ようぼう (yōbō) it means facial appearance
87 4 気立て きだて kidate disposition, temperament
87 5 仮親 かりおや karioya a proxy parent, an adoptive parent
87 15 なるたけ なるたけ narutake as … as possible. Same as なるべく (narubeku).