Volume 1, Title 2 - ishi dōrō, Part 2

Page Line Original Text Phonetic Romanized Description
45 12 石町 こくちょう kokuchō place name? This furigana is as supplied in the original text.
45 13 がらりと がらりと gararito with a clatter
45 14 すうっと すうっと sūtto quietly; quickly, all of a sudden
45 14 夜食 やしょく yashoku supper, night meal
45 15 支度 したく shitaku preparation, arrangements
46 10 下駄 げた geta wooden clogs
46 11 跣足で はだし hadashi de with bare feet. Also written 裸足で or 跣で.
46 13 服装 なり nari dress, costume, appearance. This compound is shown as being pronounced ふくそう (fukusō) in my dictionary, but with the same meaning.
46 14 黄八丈 きはちじょう kihachijō silk something. High-collared kimono?
46 14 頭巾 ずきん zukin a headscarf, a kerchief
46 16 白子屋 しらこや shirakoya name of a shop in a play. The compound 白子 means milt or roe but this is also the name of a town in Japan.
46 16 哀れな あわれな aware na sad, pathetic, pitiful
46 16 …このかた …このかた …konokata since…
46 16 さらす さらす sarasu expose (to sunlight); expose to public view
47 1 出世 しゅっせ shusse successful, career, eminence
47 2 お駒 おこま okoma woman’s name
47 2 襟付 えりづけ erizuke ? This would seem to mean "with a collar attached" but there must be more to it.
47 2 緋鹿子の ひかのこ hikanoko no red with white spots? Can't find a definition for this term but 緋 (ひ - hi) means "scarlet, cardinal", and 鹿子 (かのこ - kanoko) means "fawn; dapple, white spots".
47 6 紛失物 ふんしつぶつ funshitsubutsu a lost article; lost property
47 7 何しろ なにしろ nanishiro anyhow, in any case
47 9 彼の かの kano that place; that person
47 9 綿入れ わたいれ wataire padded clothes
47 11 もしや もしや noshiya by any chance, perchance
47 11 非業の最期を遂げる ひごうさいごをとげる higō no saigo o togeru die an unnatural death
48 3 疾うから うから tou kara for a long time
48 3 情交 わけ wake intimacy; illicit relations. Also pronounced じょうこう (jōkō).
48 5 取り持ち役 とりもちやく torimochiyaku a go-between
48 6 半時 はんとき hantoki about an hour; a little while, a short time. I assume that this was meant to be about "half" of traditional unit of time 一時 (いっとき - ittoki) which was about two hours long.
48 6 場をはずす ばをはずす ba o hazusu (tactfully) slip away
48 7 一と足先に ひとあしさきに hitoashisaki ni to leave a little ahead of someone else. I'm assuming that 一と足 is the same as what's written 一足(ひとあし) today and which means a step.
48 11 内所で ないしょ naisho de secretly, in private
48 14 内々 うちうち uchiuchi privately
49 1 おろおろ声で おろおろこえで oroorokoe de in a chocked voice, in a broken voice
49 4 吉五朗 きちごろう kichigorō a man’s name
49 10 仔細ありげに しさいありげに shisaiarge ni meaningfully. The term 仔細 (しさい - shisai) by itself means reasons or significance.
49 10 うろつく うろつく urotsuku loiter, hang around
49 15 呆気に取られる あっけにとられる akke ni torareru be astonished, be taken aback
50 1 賺す すか sukasu coax, humor, cajole, wheedle
50 2 何者 なにもの nanimono who, what kind of a person
50 3 手を下す てをくだす te o kudasu do something with one’s own hands
50 4 お豊 おとよ otoyo a woman’s personal name
50 4 お勝 おかつ okatsu a woman’s personal name
50 5 果たして はたして hatashite just as one thought, sure enough
50 5 罪人 つみびと tsumibito a sinner, a criminal
50 6 さのみ さのみ sanomi ((not)) much; ((not)) particularly. Same as さほど.
50 7 色事 いろごと irogoto an affair, a romance
50 7 多寡 たか taka a quantity, a number, an amount
50 7 括る くくる kukuru bind (up), tie (up)
50 7 面喰らう めんくらう menkurau be confused, be embarrassed
50 9 勇気をふるい興す ゆうきをふるいおこす yūki o furuiokosu muster one’s courage. The verb ふるい興す (ふるいおこす) means to rouse up, to call forth.
50 9 努めて つとめて tsutomete as much as one can, to the best of one’s ability
50 11 一昨昨日 さきおととい sakiototoi three days back (ago), the day before the day before yesterday
50 11 ふらりと ふらりと furari to by chance, accidentally, without warning, without any definite purpose
51 1 前夜 ぜんや zenya the previous night
51 1 燈ともし頃に ともしごろに hitomoshi goro ni at dusk, toward evening
51 4 駆けつける かけつける kaketsukeru hurry ((to the spot)), to ((to the site)) quickly
51 6 取押える とりおさえる toriosaeru catch, seize, capture
51 7 虫の息である むしのいきである mushi no ikidearu be breathing faintly, be half-dead
51 8 立ち竦む たちすくむ tachisukumu be petrified, stand rooted to the spot
51 12 うろたえる うろたえる urotaeru be flustered, be upset. Also written 狼狽える.
51 12 息を引き取る いきをひきとる iki o hikitoru breathe one’s last breath
51 13 匕首 あいくち aikuchi a dagger without a guard, a dirk
51 13 えぐる えぐる eguru bore (a hole), penetrate. Also written 抉る.
51 15 うっかり うっかり ukkaru carelessly, inadvertently
51 15 きず kizu crack, flaw
51 16 下手人 げしゅにん geshunin the perpetrator of a crime
51 16 居合わす いあわす iawasu happen to be present
52 2 沙汰 さた sata a verdict; instructions; news
52 2 いずれ いずれ izure either, any, both
52 5 まきぞえ まきぞえ makizoe involvement, implication. Also written 巻き添え.
52 5 ひたすら ひたすら hitasura intently, earnestly
52 6 いっそ いっそ isso rather, preferably
52 13 古顔 ふるがお furugao a familiar fact, on old timer, a senior member
52 14 鼻を明かす はなをあかす hana o akasu get the better of, beat someone to it
52 15 手を着ける てをつける te o tsukeru begin, start work on
53 3 どちくち紛れに どちくちまぎれに dochikuchi magire ni in the confusion of the moment
53 6 取次ぐ とりつぐ toritsugu act as agent, transmit, convey
53 8 取り込み とりこみ torikomi bustle, confusion, taking in
53 8 ずかずか ずかずか zukazuka direct(ly), straight, unhesitatingly
53 12 行き届く ゆきとどく yukitodoku be careful, be cautious, be thorough
53 12 霜除け しもよ shimoyoke a protective cover against frost
53 12 芭蕉 ばしょう bashō banana plant
53 15 手水鉢 ちょうずばち chōzubachi a washbowl, a washbasin
53 16 よい yoi evening, early night hours
54 2 こずえ kozue the top of a tree
54 2 闖入者 ちんにゅうしゃ chinnyūsha intruder, trespasser, raider
54 3 忍び返し しのびがえし shinobigaeshi sharp-pointed wooden or metal prongs atop fences or walls
54 3 損所 そんしょ sonsho a damaged part
54 8 相違 そうい sōi difference, disparity, gap
54 13 曲者 くせもの kusemono a rascal, a scoundrel
55 3 老舗 しにせ shinise an old store, an old establishment
55 7 滅多に めった metta ni rarely, seldom
55 11 青苔 あおごけ aogoke green moss [should this use こ or ご?]